Monday, June 26, 2006

Acapulquenos expect AMLO victory

After Mexico lost the world cup match to Argentina over the weekend, the energy had to be channeled somewhere, and in Acapulco, it has gone back to the election.

AMLOs final campaign appearance in Acapulco packed Parque Papagayo. Almost all the presidential posters in this city are for him. The three main political parties here endorse him: the Revolutionary Democratic Party which has held the mayorship for three terms, the socialist Covergencia which usually places second in local elections, and the small but powerful Trotskyite Worker Party. Neither the PRI nor the PAN have been major players in local elections for almost a decade (and the PRI lost the Guerrero governorship last year to PRD).

Enthusiasm is high, but expectations are even higher: if AMLO were to lose next Sunday, it would not be taken well.


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